Sensible Rehab pediatric therapists focus on promoting growth and development as well as supporting the family and caregivers with education. Occupational therapist’s focus on you and your child’s needs and goals to maximize overall independence, success, and functioning. Occupational therapy can help kids improve their cognitive, physical, sensory, and motor skills and enhance their self-esteem and sense of accomplishment. An occupational therapist will evaluate the individual with the help and support of caregivers and families, develop individualized goals that address the current concerns that are impeding the individuals overall participation in everyday life, and develop a treatment plan to optimize success and allow your child to be as independent as possible.

Sensory Processing

Fine Motor Skills

    • Pre-writing academic skills
    • Handwriting Programs
      • Handwriting Without Tears
    • Scissor skills
    • Utensil use

Gross Motor Skills

    • Upper Body and Lower Body strengthening
    • Fall Prevention Programs
    • Safety Awareness
    • Coordination and Motor planning

Social-Emotional Skills

Self-Care Skills

Visual Perceptual Processing

    • Visual Attention
    • Visual Discrimination
    • Visual-Motor Difficulties


Cognitive Processing

    • Memory
    • Planning and Organization
    • Time Management and Self-Control
    • Improving attention
